C-Cell Timeline


Campden BRI (Food Research Facility) had recently been working alongside Warburton’s (World Leading Bakery) to develop a Bread Imaging System.  Stanley Cauvain and Martin Whitworth were the key scientists involved and produced a sophisticated development which could be used to ensure that bread quality was consistent in all Warburton’s Bakeries. Calibre was identified as the ideal partner to commercialise the system and enable further projects at Campden to provide ongoing quality improvements for Warburton’s


C-Cell was officially launched by Calibre in the UK with the name derived from the systems analysis of Cellular Structure in Bread. It was immediately accepted by UK Flour Millers with early models going to the three major groups. In the same year C-Cell was introduced to Europe and gained a lot of interest from ingredient suppliers in Benelux countries. They saw the potential to identify and quantify the effects of their ingredients and improvers both for research and customer support.


The system was redeveloped to incorporate a number of improvements in design and to meet changing software platforms. Further marketing at conferences and exhibitions in North America, Europe and China brought sales and new applications in many areas.


A major milling and baking company decided to introduce a revolutionary Quality Assurance scheme by installing C-Cell into 10 plant bakeries to monitor production quality at line. The C-Cell data was collected centrally and production quality monitored and compared, where the same product was produced at multiple locations. As well as improving consistency and quality, process issues were identified earlier and resolved with less wastage.


In response to customer demand, C-Cell underwent a major development in order to extend the ability to analyse different products and parameters. This involved the introduction of a high resolution colour camera and controlled LED lighting. The software also included calibration development options to look at specific customer requirements.  The ability to measure colour was immediately beneficial for bread crumb colour and crust measurements but also lead to applications identifying inclusions in bread and cakes.

Present Day

Present day C-Cell retains the iconic design but has improved precision and many more software options to assist the modern bakery sector.